Thursday, November 6, 2008

Blazers lose, but Kevin saves the day!

So as I previously mentioned, I got lucky once again to receive tickets for the Blazers/Jazz game here in SLC. The feeling of pure excitement I used to feel when I was a child is totally coming back. I was literally giddy before the game. We sat near the Blazer bench, and like many kids, I waited in line to give the team fist bumps as they came in and warmed up. A little childish, yes, but I loved every minute of it. Seriously, so much fun. I had some video taken of the experience. Never realized how bald I was becoming until I watched the video back. Thanks mom and dad for the great genetics! I think it's time to face the facts...the hair has to go.

Soon after the team entered the court, Blazers GM Kevin Pritchard, the mastermind behind the whole team, came up behind me and made a comment about my jersey.  (worth every penny I paid for it) I promptly asked for a picture. Yeah, I know, I am a stud! But serious, I was really excited to meet the guy, because he has done a lot of really good stuff for the organization. He has brought the REAL Blazers back home.

Although the Blazers lost, I still had an amazing time.  Rip City is back! 

PS: I know I am a visiting fan when a 70 year-old woman is talking trash with me.  Classic!