Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Shows Worth Your Time

OK, many people tell me I watch too much television, and they're all right, for the most part. I can easily justify all of my watching because of my occupation in media. It's all just "research!" Whatever the case, if you take the time to sit down and watch some show, and want to be sincerely entertained, here are my top choices.

1. Burn Notice (Thursday night, USA)
Beginning it's second season on USA, this show is about a spy who is burned by the government and is working and a PI until he figures out who burns him. 

2. Psych (Friday night, USA)
Also on USA, Psych is about a team of guys who solve crimes for the police department and pretend to be psychic.  The dialogue alone is worth the time, if nothing else.

3. America's Got Talent (Tuesday night, NBC)
If you like American Idol, nuff said.

4. Walker, Texas Ranger (MTWTF morning, USA)
Since this show has been in re-runs for 8 years, anytime of the year is good for a little Cordell Walker and Jimmy Trevette, but the summer especially.  Every morning at 8 and 9 a.m. on USA. If you like good endings, remember, Walker never loses!

5. So You Think You Can Dance (Wednesday and Thursday nights, Fox)
This is my first year on the "Dance" bandwagon, and I was pleasantly surprised at how good the show is. Other than the episode when they put a guy in Daisy Dukes, I have enjoyed watching. 
