Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The 15-day Rule

In college I used to have a rule.  Date a girl for 15 days, then I was either fully in or jumping ship. Maybe that sounds a little harsh, but the reality is, I was right on most of my decisions. The only girl I ever regretted breaking up with was someone I extended past the 15-day mark. So it can come as no surprise that the analysis of the current girl is in full swing. Not only is it in line with past thinking, but it comes with my age.  I analyze more and more.  So here is what I have so far, and I am pretty sure I am right in thinking the way I am.

First, it is difficult to fully understand why a girl is so into me so early.  Sounds weird I know, and I realize this is something I can get used to.  Having a girl care enough about me to want to know what my needs are, etc.  But less than two weeks in?  Maybe this is a wake-up call for all of the girls I scared early!

Second, confidence is a big thing in the world of dating.  It's hard for me to constantly feel like I need to reassure her that I want to be in this relationship: especially this early on.  But that is the case.  She is a great looking girl, has a lot going for her, yet she needs reassurance. Seems suspect, but I also maybe reading a little too much into it.

The last thing that recently caught me extremely off guard, she calls me up to ask if I care if she goes on a trip.  Really?  Last time I checked, I am not her fiance', her husband, or her father.  It seems a little weird that the question would even be asked.  Have I mentioned we haven't even been dating 2 WEEKS?

Maybe this is why I am still single, answering the question that so many have asked for so long, but to me, happiness in a relationship must be mutual and I have never really had to deal with this kind of stuff so early on.

The saga continues...