Sunday, January 25, 2009

Privacy Matters

So I decide to make this blog private with the idea that sharing personal information about my dating life would be easier. I came to a realization that is full of crap (sorry mom). There is such a small group of people that I let into this part of my life, and even then, they all get different parts of the same story. I keep most of it locked down. It makes my life a lot less complicated as well as making the breakup much easier, because that's where all of these relationships tend to lead.

Now after that stellar introduction, the latest in the saga of Nic, whether the whole truth or not, this is what you get.

"The RM Girl" as Mom so elegantly calls her, continues to be great, quiet, but great. The first two weeks of any relationship for me are all about what is wrong with the girl. What can I say, I am cautious (except for tall girl who screwed me three times and I was stupid enough to let it happen). So every time I hang out with her, I am looking for another excuse not to be in it. So far so good. The only things I have found to be cautious about is how quiet she is, the fact that she owns cats and calls them her "kids" and that she is an inactive member of the church. I know I haven't mentioned that part yet, though most of you already knew. I can't hold it against the girl yet, she wants to get active and wants to get married in the temple. That is enough for me for now. The cats on the other hand, I figured if I was every going to have to deal with a pet, it would be a dog. New Mexico turned me off to cats for LIFE. 

So we continue to hang out almost daily.  Friday I doubled with some friends to see how she handled hanging out with other people.  She was still very quiet, but very flirtatious. Not gonna lie, it still weirds me out to be with a girl that seems to want me so quickly. She has to be the female version of Shallow Hal or something. Anyway, she did drop a half rack of ribs without issue, which was pretty impressive for a girl under 300 lbs (not to say she is even close to that...I am not even going to try and explain myself here, waste of energy, but you should know what I mean) The next day we babysit Cory's kids, a great opportunity to see how she handles children. She seemed to do very well, except I got stuck with poopy diaper duty. Mallory loved her, she got Coby to eat when I couldn't and Carter didn't tell her he didn't like her and threaten his father would beat her up like he did to me, so all in all it was a successful night.

This whole situation is still very new, but seems to be moving really fast. Not good for a relationship with so many holes. Those will need to be filled before the meter turns from cautious to invested. When I get invested I usually get jacked up, so the meter will be at cautious for a while.

More to come...